عامل حیاتی
Almost certainly not, as incumbent powers that be inevitably co-opt additional resources to protect against failing to meet their mission-critical responsibilities.
Specifically, it is precisely at the intersection of what the world wants you to be and what your crown jewels can enable you to become, right where an emerging mission-critical need meets a heretofore unavailable capability, that your company's core wants to lie.
This was at the outset of the Clinton administration, when health care cost reform was very much in the air, and poor materials management was a broken mission-critical process.
Within each of these targeted firms, your marketing team must identify the line-of-business executive most likely to be responsible for the broken mission-critical business process you've targeted; then your team must figure out a path of referral that can get someone in your company a meeting with that person.
New vendors like you are at least not tainted with the systemic failures that have led to the current set of broken mission-critical business processes.
واژگان شبکه مترجمین ایران